Is the Current Academic Grading Helpful in Performance?

The best approach to use when writing an argumentative essay in circumstances where a topic has been provided for you.
When writing an argumentative essay, an individual is required to investigate the topic, gather information, analyze it, and finally take a position on their stance on the topic. It is essential for students to understand the difference between an argumentative and an expository essay. Although the two genres of academic writing are similar, the descriptive essay differs from an argumentative essay in the amount of research as well as pre-writing involved. The expository essays are shorter in length, and they require less research. However, argumentative essays are not lengthy, but they also include a lot of research since they are used as capstone units. Argumentative essays require an individual to perform extensive research on materials that have recently been published. These essays may also involve empirical research where scholars may be required to collect information through experiments, observation, surveys, and interviews. Performing detailed analysis allows the student to get a good understanding of the different perspectives regarding the topic.
In the topic provided, the individual writing the essay should begin by setting the context through reviewing the topic in discussion in a general way. For instance, the writer may start by talking about the current academic grading and thereafter link up the information with its importance in a general way. Having a good knowledge of the topic will assist you in identifying the angle you will use to present the topic to the readers. After setting the context of the topic, the writer should explain the exigence of the topic as well as why the readers should be interested in reading about the topic. Finally, in the introduction, the writer should present the thesis of the essay. Failure by the student to come up with the right format of the introduction may make it challenging to come up with a persuasive essay. You may get samples of argumentative essays from great online writing companies such as Peachy Essay.
Clear transitions between the introduction, body, and conclusion

Similar to any other essay, when writing an argumentative essay on the provided topic, there should be an introduction, the body paragraphs, and finally the conclusion. It is essential that you come up with effective transitional words that will make the ideas from one paragraph to the next to flow smoothly. Transitions in essays can be likened to mortars, which aid in holding together the foundations of the essay. Failure to come up with a logical progression of thoughts has a high probability of making the reader face difficulties in following up on the arguments.
+presented hence, collapsing the essay structure. The aim of transitions is to wrap up the ideas from the previous section as well as introducing the ideas that are to start in the following section.
Make use of evidential support

When writing the argumentative essay on whether the current academic grading is helpful in performance, it is essential that you make use of evidential support. In each paragraph, you should ensure that there is a discussion of only one general idea in each section. Having a single idea in each of the paragraphs will aid in providing a room for direction and clarity in the entire essay. In addition, such an organization of ideas will make it easier for the audience to understand the flow of information. Mixing up ideas may make the readers misunderstand or fail to get the intended intentions of the writer. Notably, each of the arguments presented in the body paragraphs should be connected with the thesis statement as well as the opening paragraph.
Present both sides of the argument

It is important not to forget that an argumentative essay should consider and provide an explanation of both sides of the argument. Based on how long the essay is, a student should dedicate at least two or three of the paragraphs to discussing the conflicting side of the topic. For instance, if the writer supports the notion that the current academic grading is helpful in performance, there should be at least two or three paragraphs opposing the subject why the current academic grading is not helpful in performance. Providing information from both sides of the argument will aid in showing the readers that the writer was well-informed.
Make use of a well-researched, detailed, accurate, and current data

Writing an argumentative essay requires a well-researched, detailed, accurate, as well as current data, which will be used to support the thesis statement. Students should always consider multiple points of view when performing their research as well as collecting evidence. It is important also to note that a well written argumentative essay will also provide a discussion of opinions, which are not aligned with the thesis statement. In addition, it is the work of the student to make use of information that is up-to-date in relation to the topic. The final thing that the writer should put much focus on is the conclusion. In most essays, it is at the conclusion where most of the literature begins to struggle. The conclusion provides the most immediate perception of the writer to the reader. As a result, it must be written in an effective and logical manner. It is important to note that you should not introduce any new information at the conclusion and instead reinstate the information presented in the body paragraphs.
The five-paragraph approach

It may be helpful to treat an essay in the form of a debate or a conversation with a classmate. For instance, when discussing the topic presented, it goes without any reasonable doubt that the different methods used to grade students were invented in different periods. Whereas there is no standard way of writing an argumentative essay, the most advisable method is the use of a five-paragraph approach where there is an introductory paragraph, three body paragraphs discussing the opposing views, and finally, the conclusion. Although an argumentative essay is used to present both sides of an argument, it is important to note that one side is presented more positively than the other one. Therefore, the reader could be swayed more in one direction than the other. In essence, the main function of an argumentative essay is to present a topic before the reader in a convincing way while at the same time presenting a completely clear picture.
When an essay topic is provided for you, writing an argumentative essay can become more challenging since the topic may be something that you are not really passionate about. However, this does not mean that you cannot come up with a good essay. Making use of the above-mentioned approach can propel you to attain success when writing argumentative essays on a wide range of topics.