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Epic Gift Ideas for Your Anniversary

Married life can be really hectic sometimes. It is not the pressure of the relationship that bogs you down, but life itself. Working hard, day in and day out hardly gives a married couple enough time to spend in order to appreciate each other. Securing their future, the future of their children, sustaining the family, all of these combine to eat away time. Whatever time is left, is spent in socialising, which is an important part of life. This is why wedding anniversaries are so important. This day gives the couple a break from life itself and brings back the time without care, just for one day. Celebrating the day is a must and one should always make it extra special with some incredible gifts!

A Time Capsule of Memories

Source: freepik.com

So, did the humans finally managed to time travel? Nah. This time capsule is no science fiction stuff. It is plain and simple, romantic. Time capsules are readily available. They look like some equipment out of the science lab but are much more interesting! Fill the capsule up with memoirs and photographs that you have accumulated throughout your relationship. All that is required for the magic to happen is for your partner to open it!

Get Matching Tattoos

Source: freepik.com

If you are not afraid of the ink, then go ahead and get tattoos done! Tattoos are a very personal mark which is almost like fingerprints – unique for everyone. Both the partners can get a part of a larger tattoo done which gets complete when they are joined together. Getting a matching tattoo done is a show of faith and trust in each other. It reflects a strong foundation and a desire to grow old together. Anniversaries are meant for this kind of stuff so strengthen the foundation while you are at it!

Visit The Place Where You First Met

Source: freepik.com

It may be an arranged marriage or a love marriage but everyone has a place where they had the first laugh, where they stole glances for the first time, the place where they first met. On this anniversary, dial back the years to that place. If it is a park or a restaurant or even your college, try and decorate it. Event organisers would be happy to take care of it for you. The first place you met each other is always special and is bound to bring back the memories of those good old days pouring down. Go over the top and make your wedding anniversary epic!

Custom Made Jewellery

Source: freepik.com

Aren’t all jewellery custom made? Well, yes and no. Conventional jewellery makers design according to their ideas. These jewellery designs may be unique from one another, but these are not the ones where you have put in the effort to make it special. If you want to make your wedding anniversary epic, then design a custom piece of jewellery. Blend different metals – precious and non-precious – in order to create the perfect one for your husband or wife! You should also consider adding a message on the trinket as that would make it carry even more value and significance. Something like the anniversary date would be a brilliant addition which will bear the sweetest fruits!

Garden Inside the Room

Source: freepik.com

Flowers are always a great option to play with. Making your wedding anniversary epic is no big deal when you have flowers at your disposal! Fill your house, apartment, or even just the bedroom with beautiful flowers and wait for your better half to come home! As soon as they open the door, surprise them with this delightful sight of a garden in bloom! Throw in some aromatic candles in the mix. Hide teddy bears and chocolates among the bunch and catch them with surprise as they stumble upon these! Make the day, truly epic! Flowers are such a great option that you can even send these as anniversary gifts to India and throw an equally epic surprise! Click here to know more about flowers as gifts!

Coupon Booklet

This is more of a DIY present than anything which you can buy, which makes it all the more precious! Get a hold of a notebook with coloured pages, or better yet, print blank coupons and bind them to make a notebook. In each of these coupons, write down things which your better half will be able to redeem from none other than you! Going out for a nice dinner, breakfast in bed, a massage, a long drive, things which they always wanted to do but you were not ready to give – you get the hang of it. This would be an epic gift, which stores even more gifts within it! With so many coupons to redeem, every day would feel like the wedding anniversary!

Dinner At Home With a Chef

Source: freepik.com

Dinner away at a fancy restaurant is all well and good, but what about a professional chef cooking dinner for just the two of you at your own house? A dimly lit room, filled with rose petals and graced by romantic candlelight and music, with food tailored for you – sounds as perfect as it can be! Away from all the hustle of a crowded place, have an equally epic dinner date at your home with delicacies prepared by a pro!

Anniversaries exist for a reason and that is to encapsulate the magic of love and give new purpose to married life. Life does get in the way. But you can always count on epic anniversaries to find the right way!

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