Best “American Dad!” Episodes – Top 5 List

American Dad! is one of the most popular American animated TV series in the past decade. It appeared for the first time on February 6, in 2005. So far, it has been aired for 16 seasons, 11 were broadcast on Fox Channel, and after October 20 and 2014, the series began to be aired on TBS. Another figure is really amazing, which is the number of episodes during the previous 16 seasons, which is 269 in total. Of course, we must mention the main characters – Stan Smith, his wife Francine, son of Steve and daughter Hayley, and Roger.

However, have you ever wondered what is the best American Dad! episodes? If so, we have an answer to your question. According to the research, fans of this popular animated sitcom voted for the next 5 episodes. Continue reading to find out which are these episodes. So, if you’re ready, let’s start.
Rapture’s Delight

You all watched Simpsons and you know that their Halloween episodes have become somehow a tradition. Well, a similar situation is with American Dad! which has its Christmas episode every year. One of these is ‘Rapture’s Delight‘, an episode where the Smith family goes to church on Christmas morning. Then, real chaos begins, because the end of the world is coming, as well as the coming of Anti-Christ. During this episode, all fans have the opportunity to see many situations in which Stan attempts to save her beloved wife from Anti-Christ, however, he ultimately dies and goes to his “personalized heaven,” which is his own home, indeed.
Fart-Break Hotel

Fart-Break Hotel is a 9th episode in the 9th season of this popular TV series. If you watched this series or even several episodes, you realize that of all the main characters, Stan and Roger appear most. Therefore, we can safely say that this episode is one of those in which attention is paid to Francine. As for some other episodes in which she has taken over the lead from them for a moment, it can be said that the Fart-Break Hotel is really strong and delightful.
Cops and Roger
One of the funniest episodes is ‘Cops and Roger’. This is the 14th episode in the 5th season of the American Dad! when Roger is in doubt about his manhood and wants to become a police officer. That’s why he goes to the Langley Falls Police Academy where he meets dirty policeman Chaz Migliaccio.
Blood Crieth Unto Heaven

There is an interesting fact about the ‘Blood Crieth Unto Heaven’ episode. Namely, this episode was created according to allegedly lost play written by Patrick Stewart. In any case, he is one of the most famous personalities who were guest voice actors in American Dad!. In order not to spoil it much, we recommend you watch this episode because it will bring you a new experience when it comes to American Dad!.
Lost in Space

For the end, let’s say something about the 18th episode of the 8th season. This episode in some ways shows Jeff’s fight to return to Earth after being wrested by aliens and his fight to show his love for Hayley. In addition to the main characters, the ‘Lost in Space’ episode also features aliens so it’s completely logical why it belongs to the best American Dad! episodes.