4 Best Frasier Episodes From The Original Series – Prepare For Laughter

According to our prediction, it was only a matter of time before some big production house decided to revive one of the most successful spin-off tv show ever, “Frasier”. The original show, which lasted for 11 seasons, from 1993 to 2004, has become nothing short of a legendary one. Many memorable scenes from this show are used as a meme for more than a decade now. Fourteen years after the show ended, NBC, a popular production house decided that they want another crack at this show. Today, we are going to talk about the best “Frasier” episodes from the original series. Prepare for laughter.
Author, Author – S01E22
The first season of “Frasier” was so well-made that we are struggling to pick the best episodes. Its finale is one of the most cited episodes ever. But, if we are going to pick only one, we are going to decide on the 22nd episode called “Author, Author”. A list minute book deal for Niles inspired the Crane brother to write a novel about the relationship between two siblings. This launches an array of misfortunate occurrences which are not looking great for our heroes. In the end, the whole misadventure ends with an acknowledgment that there is room for both of the Crane brother in the field of psychiatry.
Breaking the Ice – S02E20
After Frasier accepted the fact that Martin is now living with him in the same house, the two of them started thinking about the past. Why didn’t they grow up together and if that is something that they can mend over time? This episode is a landmark in their relationship. They are trapped in an ice house, and can’t get out. That is the perfect setting for exchanging some opinions and mending up the differences between these two characters. Naturally, Niles serves as the third wheel in this episode, like always.
Chess Pains – S03E18
No one ever has enjoyed beating Frasier at anything like Martin is. Or maybe Niles. In this episode, Frasier is defeated at his favorite game, Chess, over and over. Plus, he is literally humiliated by his father’s lack of interest on this subject. Losing game after game pushes Frasier to bet his father $5k for a final game of Chess. Although Frasier beats his father, he is not happy as he thought he would be. And, he is not happy that he isn’t happy enough. Niles makes a memorable appearance in this episode too because he finds a surrogate for Maris, his wife.
Ham Radio – S04E18
Almost all of the episodes of this popular shows are like short movies or plays. This episode is truly one of the best episodes of the entire show. Frasier stars as a critic, director, and an actor of “Ham Radio”. Frasier is forced to battle against many inconveniences throughout this episode. So, his battle with these problems creates so much laughter that many of the audience laughed for the entire episode. Imagine this episode without Niles? Well, Niles uses helium to voice a character who is a dwarf.