Supporting Customer Service through the Coronavirus Crisis

The C-suite level employees are attempting to explore the immediate effect of Covid-19 on their organizations. Although, how the pandemic is influencing organizations varies significantly depending on various conditions such as its size, nature, location, and primarily what it does. Such an emotional uprise in demand for client effort is one of the terrible news for directors as high-interactivity is prompted to abnormal churn rate, whereas, the lesser effort could incline to bring about such another deal.
As per our research, an organization could face a crisis in its interactivity levels with a 6% probability of bringing about a strategically cross-sell pitch or upsell. At the same time, normal circumstances would call for an 80 percent possibility that a simple interaction would lead to that cross-sell or up-sell.
In addition to it, among customers making defective claims, and those with least interaction with the organization has a 4% chance of tolerating the organization’s “save offer” per their behavioral study. A promotion indeed lets the irate customer stay, and when compared with a 20% base, these clients with healthy interactions would likely be granted a 20% score.
All in all, so what can organizations do (especially during these daunting times) to assist representatives with navigation through this recession-fueled pandemic? According to, there are three strategies that savvy pioneers, such as Spectrum from South Carolina in the CS industry, are seeking.
1. Arm reps along with contingent planning and a heads up on how to treat irate customers, so a reduction in client disappointment is recognized

A pandemic plays well with the emotional stability, and here comes EQ that helps manage it. Typically, representatives are influenced by the pre-date pandemic standard policies (for instance, bill payment extension), the situation worsens when a pandemic strikes.
In this manner, they hole up behind approach and demonstrate that they’re “feeble to help” (undeniable inferiority) exceeding the level of confidence they have under typical conditions.
Conclusively, in our example, we recognized that low-performing representatives were 27 percent bound to conceal behind policy and arrangements on the Covid-19 situation and the interrelated calls than their higher-performing coworkers. Therefore, it’s necessary to refresh approaches to mirror the present reality and decrease opportunities for representatives who still engage themselves in obsolete arrangements to abstain from tackling clients’ (real-time) issues.
So, what’s the answer? Clearly, most companies need to give power to their representatives, under which they could change the regular practice in order to help the customers. The issue that bothers the companies the most is that policies and the culture of an organization are not easy to change during normal times, and it’s even harder during pandemic such is this one. What they could do is to lower the tone of the language they are using so that even if there’s no room for changes or exceptions, they could at least lead the customers to a better outcome.
2. Restrict directors from returning to their “not too helpful” or bad mentoring practices

Progressive service companies have abandoned “organized” structuring coaching long ago, which was once the dominant contact behavioral center. Rather than finding a weekly hour based to survey a bunch of calls with every rep, they switched to doing this daily. The new method includes managers communicating daily with their underlings tackling incoming issues as the day goes on rather than taking separate time out of the working week to do this. Luckily for most companies, integrated mentoring or coaching is possible for all intents and purposes. By using this approach, the performance of managers and employees can be increased by 12% on a daily level. Today, most of the best managers are working with their employees like this 75% of the time.
A virtual product manufacturer was never “virtual” unless COVID struck, and the implementation was first gazed as a cumbersome and worrisome task to be operated-from-home. The reason is that it was believed that this practice is going to be hard to conduct with employees being in their homes. However, with little time dedication and improvise adjustments, they had the option to keep supervisors from returning to traditional practices.
But, it’s not all bad news. Integrated staff coaching can be done virtually. Many companies worried that once their employees start working from home, they’ll lose focus and stray away from what they’ve been taught in the organization. Luckily, this was not the case, as it only took a few minor adjustments to prevent managers from reverting to their old selves. According to one group leader, the key was infrequent conversations with managers about calls. The questions revolved about the subject of calls, length, and what they improved on while working from home, and what were their biggest struggles. Of course, a big part of keeping everything in order was the oversight. Those with the most significant influx of calls were checked a couple of times a day to establish control over what and how they were doing their chores.
3. Use collaborative tools to assist CS representatives with inheriting the knowledge of their companions

It’s been said on more than one occasion that representatives need to work together. Their cooperation is essential for the growth of every customer service. Large companies encourage their reps to check up one another in order to grow their expertise. By doing this, they are able to increase their performance by 50% by learning from one another without the need to stress the management.
But, don’t be fooled that it’s easy to make reps helping each other by sharing their knowledge while they are fighting for promotion among themselves. This issue is hard to tackle even when people are sitting next to each other in a call center. It’s even harder to make it happen now that employees are miles apart working from their homes. Luckily, advancements in modern technology can help this problem with simple solutions such as instant messaging or even better Zoom video call. With solutions like these, people can still connect in real-time despite being physically separated.
Directors from a travel-and-recreation organization revealed behavior that the foremost thing their representatives do at the start of the day is to fire up gossip on the organization’s provided podium. The stream of traffic on that (XYZ) channel is steady — from the primary moment of their shift to the completion, representatives are dotting each other with queries and presenting suggestions. The organization’s VP additionally revealed that reps participate actively in addressing false information if anyone provides informative guidance, helping the organization to maintain a strategic distance from costly lessons of customer dissatisfaction.
Take home message

The global pandemic Covid-19 has brought service representatives, supervisors, and pioneers under undue pressure that no one has probably never experienced. Henceforth, with attention on the correct aptitudes and backing from capable companions, there’s no explanation that services associations can’t effectively explore and even thrive during these daunting times where the economy is on the brink of the severe crash (much worse than the 2008 version).