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Are Succulents Poisonous to Cats And Dogs

If you’re like me, you probably love succulents because they could quickly spice up any space in your home and they’re quite simple to maintain and take care of. But, if you have a pet, especially a puppy or a kitten, you may worry about what will happen if your pet chooses to jump and attack the plant, will it harm your furry companion?

Now, you mustn’t worry, you’re not the only pet owner that has this question, after all, we all care about the safety and well-being of our pets. Fortunately for all individuals, the article below will feature two lists – one that’ll highlight succulents that are harmful to animals, and one that’ll highlight which ones aren’t harmful to pets. Let’s take a glimpse:

5 Succulents That Are Dangerous to Pets

1. ‘Aloe Vera’

Source: pexels.com

As you probably know, Aloe is, perhaps, the most loved succulent out there, mostly because it offers a wide range of healing and remedial characteristics. Generally speaking, its juice is utilized for managing sunburns and the essences from its leaves could be noticed in various make-up products, food supplements, and different water.

Unfortunately, this attractive shrub is hazardous to your dog and/or cat. There are composites referred to as saponins and they’re quite harmful to animals. In fact, it could cause a lot of gastrointestinal issues such as puking and diarrhea. No matter what variety you choose to buy, you must ensure that you place it somewhere where your furry friend cannot reach it.

2. ‘Jade’

Just like the aforementioned type, Jade could frequently be seen in various houses, especially on the windowsills. They usually feature dense, wooden stems and egg-shaped leaves that give them the appearance of a little tree. If you do some digging, you’ll learn that there are various types of Jades out there.

However, no matter what type you might wish to buy, you must put them at a place where your pet cannot reach them. Why? Well, like Aloe Vera, it could cause different gastrointestinal issues, hence, if your pets consume it, you may want to take them to the veterinarian immediately, especially if you notice muscle weakness.

3. ‘Euphorbia’

Source: pexels.com

A quite big and diverse category, Euphorbia features small, low-growing shrubs, as well as large sprawling trees. Now, you must remember that most of them located in this class – including the “Crown of Thorns”, plus the “Pencil Cactus” – are remarkably lethal to pets.

If your furry friend consumes it, it could experience various indications of poisoning. Besides puking and diarrhea, they could also experience epidermis blemishes and eye inflammation, hence, if you own a pet, you must certainly avoid buying any type coming from this flower category.

4. ‘Kalanchoe’

Kalanchoes are extremely popular, mostly because they have beautiful flowers that come in various colors such as pale, peach, red, and pink. It’s quite popular in many homes and this tropical plant is recognized by various names, including the “Mother of Millions”, and the “Devil’s Backbone”.

As its name implies, pets mustn’t be near it, nor should they ingest something that is nicknamed the ‘Devil’s Backbone’. If it does happen that your pet consumes it, it’ll cause various problems with its stomach and in this circumstance, you must take your furry friend to a doctor as soon as you can.

5. ‘Fiddle Leaf’

Source: pexels.com

The Fiddle Lead, also usually nicknamed the “Panda Plant” is a beloved home decoration mostly because it’s quite low-maintenance. However, although they’re quite pretty, they carry unresolvable calcium oxalates crystals, which could cause sensitivity of the stomach and inflamed tissues.

If your cat or dog eats it, they’ll encounter a wide range of poisoning signs such as puking, muscle weakness, painful swallowing, and inflammation of the mouth. Hence, if you were thinking about getting this particular type, you may need to think again and choose something else.

5 Succulents That Aren’t Dangerous to Pets

1. ‘Haworthia’

Source: pexels.com

If you prefer how the Aloe plant looks – especially the spikes – you could think about purchasing a Haworthia. It’s simple to grow and though it resembles Aloe, all types of this flower are completely harmless for animals. There are various types of these succulents for sale as seen on www.succulentmarket.com.

2. Hens And Chickens’

This bulb is also referred to as a houseleek and it’s safe to say that it is, perhaps, one of the most widespread and frequent Cactaceae for a lot of pet owners. It’s low-maintenance, it could grow almost anywhere, and though it’s quite small, it’s quite visually appealing. More importantly, this plant isn’t toxic to dogs and cats.

3. ‘Burro’s Tale’

Source: worldofsucculents.com

If you want to hang a succulent or place it higher on a shelf, the burro’s tail will be perfect with its lush trailing leaves. In most situations, this plant won’t bloom, however, you might find some varieties that feature red or pinkish buds that will bloom during the right environment and warm weather.

4. ‘Christmas Cactus’

The title of this plant will depend on how they used to call it in your family, hence, you should know that it’s also nicknamed the Easter or Thanksgiving cactus. Although it might not be appealing at first, once it blooms it’ll provide you with some nice red or pink blossoms during the colder months. It isn’t toxic to animals, which is why you may want to consider purchasing it.

5. ‘Echeveria’

Source: pexels.com

Echeveria originates from a category of succulents that have a shape like a rose and they’re one of the most loved plants because of their amazing leaves and charming rosettes. They come in a wide range of shapes and shades, and they’ll definitely produce some breathtaking blossoms. Additionally, they’re easy to nurture and care for, and they’ll grow quite quickly under the right circumstances.


You must keep in mind that there are hundreds of succulents out there, and the most reliable way to protect your furry friend or friends is to learn precisely which ones are poisonous to your furry friends. Once you do, you should definitely avoid purchasing them and bringing them into your house.

The non-toxic plants we mentioned are only some of the hundreds you could choose from, hence, now that you’re aware that not all succulents are harmful to your pets, you might not want to lose any more of your time. Instead, open up your browser and start looking for a store that will provide you with the succulent that will decorate your home while being non-poisonous to your pet.

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