How to Get into Esports & Competitive Gaming
Esports and competitive gaming are becoming extremely popular, and now, people from all around the world can show off their skills, do what they love, and make a lot of money in the process.
Many young adults are interested in this industry, but it seems like only the professionals can be a part of it. If you are interested in joining this field, then you should know you can do it. There are a lot of different jobs and games you can focus on, and if you work hard, you will be able to become the best of the best.
In this article, we are going to give you some tips on how you can get into esports and competitive gaming, and we will help you learn more about the jobs available.
How to begin?
If you are interested in becoming a part of this industry, then you need to know what your strong sides are. Many people make the mistake of believing that if you want to get into esports and competitive gaming, that you have to be a gamer. The reality is, there are dozens of different job positions available.
You first need to write down everything you know and see if your skills match any of the things that are available in this field. In case you are interested in becoming a gamer, then you have to focus on improving your skills and becoming the best you can be.
Start by researching as much as you can and read everything about professional games. See how they got to where they are right now. Remember that you will have to make a lot of sacrifices and spend weeks and months practicing.
Then you need to think of a game that you would like to become a pro in. You may take some time to find that game, but if you try to become an expert in everything, there is, chances are, you will fail, or be just mediocre. So, focus on one game only and learn everything about it.
Spend some time practicing, watching videos and streams of better players and learn why they move as they do, and how they make their choices. By watching other gamers, you can learn about the weaknesses of your potential competitors and you will see how their whole strategy works.
One thing you need to know that even if you are not interested in becoming a professional gamer, there are still a lot of other things you can do and be a part of the industry.
Job positions
Now let’s talk more about the types of jobs you may look if you decide to become a part of esports and competitive gaming. The most popular job is, of course, professional gamers. Last year, the person who is number one in the world, Tyler Blevins, made almost 20 million dollars. That number is something most of us dream about, and when you realize you can do what you love and get paid a lot, that is a dream come true. However, only one can be the best, so you are probably wondering how much money are the professional gamers making, who are not in the top ten best paid. Well, according to the statistics, if you become a pro player, you will be making between $2,000 and $5,000 per month. However, this all depends on the games you are playing, the platform, and your skills. According to, there are thousands of different games available, and some of the most popular nowadays include WoW, CoD, LoL, and Diablo.
If you are interested in doing something besides playing the games, then you can get a job as a developer or a programmer. These people are the ones who create these games, and without them, the whole industry would not exist. Then there are the testers who are people paid to find mistakes and glitches in the games. You will still be able to play, but you won’t be competing. You will just be responsible for quality assurance and looking for ways to make the end product user-friendly and, if possible, better.
The hosts are the people who host the tournaments, and you will have to know everything there is about the game and the players. You will give your opinion about the way they are playing and you will walk the audience through every part of the game. If you already know a lot, but if you don’t want to compete, you can become a coach or a referee.
People who are not directly involved in the tournaments, but are still largely included in the industry are the social media managers, event managers, and planners, agents, and people who are experts in sales and marketing. These job positions offer you the possibility to utilize your skills in the gaming industry without having to be in the first row. So, if you love esports, but you are not really good at gaming, then you might want to choose something else on this list.
You can also become a sponsor and support different teams, but you would have to have an initial budget or products that you will use to sponsor the players. Being a streamer is also a really good option if you want to make some money out of playing your favorite games, and if you think you can keep your audience interested. Streamers can make a lot of money out of ads, sponsors, and supporters. Their monthly earnings usually depend on how good they are, how much of an audience they have, and if they have a sponsor or not.
No matter where you choose to begin, you need to be ready to face all the challenges needed. You need the right education and the right skills, and most likely, you will start from the bottom and work your way to the top.
If you are interested in becoming a pro player, then you can start by streaming and gaining a lot of audiences until you get noticed by the right people. You can also look for an agent that will help you climb your way to the top. Know that you can also start playing in tournaments on your own, but all of them are different. So, do some research, find what you like, and take things one step at a time. Your hard work will pay off at the end.