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5 Negotiating Strategies to Use When Buying a New House

Purchasing a new home is the largest investment that you’ll make in your life, which is why there are some things that you must keep in mind when making an offer for a specific estate. And, if you are thinking about negotiating the cost, you might be wondering – what are some helpful strategies that I could use?

Fortunately for all soon-to-be homeowners that are looking for an answer to this question, this article might be able to help you. The text below is going to feature a list of the top 5 negotiating strategies to keep in mind when negotiating the cost for a new house. If you are interested in reading how to sell your home for cash.

For extra information and tips please navigate to https://www.thepropertybuyingcompany.co.uk/landers/cash-house-buyers

Let’s take a closer look:

1. First Things First, Explain The Proposal You Made

Source: realtor.com

One of the first strategies that could help you with negotiating the price of your new house is to explain the proposal you have made. For instance, you might have looked and compared the estate you are thinking about buying to other property sale listings, which means that you’ll learn exactly how much it is worth.

This is something that will allow you to easily justify the amount you are thinking about paying. How? Well, if you’re thinking about buying a home that has two floors and a large backyard, it cannot cost the same as a house with three floors, a large garden, a pool, and a garage. Hence, you could manage to lower the cost.

Now, you should keep in mind, if you manage to get to a point where you can make counteroffers, ensure that you can justify why you keep lowering the price. Do not forget to mention everything, including all of the defects the house and estate have, as well as the overall condition of the property.

2. Wisely Think About Your Initial Proposal

Source: villagequeen.com

A lot of individuals make the mistake of offering an extremely low amount as their initial proposal. Why? It can easily insult the seller, which is something you’ll want to avoid, especially since he or she can refuse to sell you the property, even if you do end up offering more money.

Instead of doing this, you should think wisely about your initial proposal. This means that you must find a balance between your wish to purchase the estate for a reasonable cost and delivering a proposal that is realistic and that won’t insult the person selling the home. Additionally, if you opt for a lower one, you won’t be able to negotiate later on, hence, think wisely about what amount you’ll state.

3. Think Twice Before You Say Something

Source: theplatingteam.com

You should always think twice before you make a comment that is connected to the amount you are planning on giving. If you say things such as “I won’t go any higher than this.” or “this is my last proposal”, it can easily destroy all of your odds of obtaining the estate.

So, for instance, if the seller does not accept the sum, you cannot really go back and propose a higher amount, after all, you did say that it was your last proposal and that you cannot go higher. Not only will it ruin your odds of obtaining the house, but it will also make the person selling suspicious.

4. Patience is The Key

Source: businessinsider.com

If you lack patience, you might want someone else to negotiate the value of the house you are thinking of getting. Hence, when you gove the initial offer, be patient, and wait for the answer. Naturally, if they do not respond, you should simply move on. Additionally, do not change your offer before hearing from the seller.

All of this is why you must understand how to create an offer in the first place. Luckily, there are various websites that feature tutorials and guides, which is why you might want to take advantage of such sites. If you’re interested in learning how to properly propose a price for a new residence, you can read more information here.

5. Do You Want to Split The Difference?

Source: realtor.com

One of the most common ways a sale amount is agreed upon is by dividing the difference between the homeowner’s lowest selling amount and the highest amount the buyer provides. However, you need to be extremely cautious about it. So, if you’re, for instance, planning on offering 200.000 dollars, and the dealer requires 240.000, the first individual that thinks about splitting the difference will lose.

If you offer to do this by raising the price to 220.000 dollars, the auctioneer will naturally respond by asking to split the difference, which means that their final amount would be 230.000 dollars. This is why you might want to raise the amount little by little, especially since you may get a better proposal in the end.

So, you should instead of offering $220.000, you should attempt to get it $210.000, then $215.000, and the final price should be, for instance, $217.500. Doing this will make the seller know that you may be reaching your max, which means that you’ll increase the odds of them accepting to sell you the house.

Additionally, you might want to create slight delays when creating an increase in the price since it will imply that you’re close to going over your budget. Remember, the only situation you should accept to utilize this strategy is when the cost is already so low that it is beneficial for you. This way, you’ll get the home for a cheaper price, and the person selling it will be satisfied with getting more than they initially planned.


As you were able to read and learn, there are various tactics that you could utilize in order to negotiate the cost of your new home. And, if you choose to follow some of the aforementioned tips, you’ll be able to make the entire process easier, less stressful, and less time-consuming, but more importantly, you’ll be able to purchase the property at a price that works best for you.

So, now that you are aware of all the useful strategies you can use, you might not want to lose any more time. Instead, it might be wise for you to return to the beginning of this list and go through it once again since it will allow you to determine which strategy suits your needs best.

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