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How to Improve Customer Experience

What is the top priority for your business? When asked this question, many business owners had different answers. Some of them believe it’s their products, some of them believe it’s the pricing, but most of them believe it’s the customer experience.

Frankly, none of these answers are wrong. Everything about a business is important in one way or another, be it packaging, planning, strategy, or more. But customer service comes out as one of the most important aspects of any business. If you’re wondering why that is, answer this question: Why does a business exist?

Now that we are on the same page, it’s time to move to the next part of this article. Seeing how important customers are, it is important to make sure that they have the best experience with your business. You, yourself, have been and still are a customer at many places.

Whichever brand you shop from for your shirts, you are a customer of that business. And what happens when the salesperson in that store does not help you at all or behaves very rudely? You get angry and you have a terrible experience. That is exactly the kind of service you don’t want to give!

Until now, you must have gotten clear know-how of the significance of good customer service. So, finally, it’s time for us to move on to the main aspect of this blog: how to improve customer experience. Keep scrolling!

Value Employee Ideas

Source: pexels.com

Oftentimes, managers and heads of any organization or business forget that some of their employees are in direct contact with the customers. Basically, they are at the front lines, and they have to deal with many annoyed or angry customers on the spot. This gives them a clear idea and the right experience to handle any and every situation. So, while the CEO and the managers of the business are highly qualified, they lack this experience.

This brings us to the point we’re trying to make. Employees like customer service agents and salespeople, but not only limited to them, should be allowed to come up with and discuss their ideas with their managers. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you implement all of their ideas, rather it gives you perspective on different things. There is also the possibility that you might get a winning idea in there and refine it with your experience and skill.

Moreover, employees gain a sense of confidence and they are more likely to perform better since they feel valued by their managers.

Use Technology to Create Breakthrough Customer Experiences

Source: pexels.com

Technology exists to make our lives easier and better. So, why not use that to improve your customer service level and the customer experience? Whether you use chatbots, or a smart search feature to make things easier for your customers, the more convenience and ease you offer, the better your customers feel and think of you.

Of course, something like this is bound to be a huge investment, so you should oversee this properly. You should especially test things out before making a decision and going in for the purchase.

Ziply Fiber Customer Service is one example of this approach. Providing their customers with fiber internet options, Ziply Fiber is using technology to cater to all of their customers. Now you can check their plans by visiting this link: https://www.buytvinternetphone.com/ziplyfiber/customer-service

Unlike other internet service providers, they offer multiple speeds with fiber connection and not only 1000 Mbps. Instead, they offer internet speed as low as 50 Mbps all the way up to 5000 Mbps.


Customers love it when they see or partake in personalized interactions with the brand. For example, you might have received an email from a brand that you have shopped at before. This email might be telling you about a particular sale or a new limited-edition item in the store.

Maybe, it is suggesting some items for you to purchase that are similar to the product you had purchased from them before. This can also be the case if you were browsing for some item on their website and so, they suggest similar items to that.

That is how you personalize the experience for customers. This helps them find the products they like and they might know were available in your store. Additionally, you could always follow up with a customer on their order and purchase to make sure they are satisfied with it.

To do this, you can just add a link to a survey in the “Thank You for your purchase” email. And if you get a negative response due to some reason, you should follow up on that email and solve the customer’s problem.

Adopt a Top-Down Approach

Source: pexels.com

A leader of an organization or a team is supposed to be a role model to the employees. The leader needs to show the team how things are done correctly and efficiently. So, in this case, leaders should start by putting themselves in their customer’s shoes and seeing what they want and how their products and services satisfy them.

A popular example of this strategy is the Disney brand. Walt Disney used to walk among the customers and interact with them, observe them, and finally, put himself in their shoes. All of this, just to improve the customer experience and to build a great reputation for the Disney brand. Today, Disney World continues to receive all the love and attention no other park has achieved!

Closing the Topic

As we come to the end, one thing is blatantly clear. A customer-centric approach is most definitely a fruitful approach for your business. It’s not just about making and selling products and services, but it is also about dealing with your customers’ problems, frustrations, etc., and catering to their needs. Remember that you might just be a business selling a product or a service in your eyes, but to the customer, you are a solution to their problem.

Of course, if you treat a customer unprofessionally, they are bound to remember that experience and pass their reviews on the internet and to the people around them. It might just be one customer but thanks to the internet, word spreads around fast. And unless you want to close up shop, you should start training your employees regarding customer services today!

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